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Kristine Sizemore | Birmingham, AL

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Sales managers are in a lonely position between the expectations of senior executives and the expectations of their salespeople. 

Below are six common ways sales managers steal from their salespeople to get their emotional needs met and relieve some of that loneliness.

1. Stealing their thunder - picture a salesperson sharing a victory with their manager. Could be a closed deal or it could be securing a meeting with a difficult to reach prospect. Immediately after they finish speaking their manager's response amounts to, "that's great. Let me tell you about this awesome thing I did today."
This pattern continues until this salesperson stops sharing with their manager because they aren't getting the strokes they seek by sharing their victories. Eventually this salesperson moves to a new company for what they tell their manager is "more money," but is really a place where they feel valued.
Sales managers who also sell will struggle more with this act of stealing because they seek strokes for their victories as well. Those managers would benefit from a coach or mastermind group with which they could get their emotional needs met.
Celebrating your salespeople's small victories is especially critical in enterprise-type sales because those small victories keep their motivation up in the long periods between closes.

2. Stealing credit for leads or closes - imagine a sales manager who makes an introduction to a prospect or was, in some cases just present, in the closing meeting, and then the manager takes credit for the sale. Typically the salesperson has their commission reduced or eliminated entirely for that sale, which (shockingly) decreases their motivation to continue working for that manager.
Granted, there are cases when a salesperson's commission may be reduced for a particular sale, for example when the sales manager closed a deal immediately before being promoted, but that's a conversation to have up front with the salesperson who will manage that account. Also included in that conversation would be clear expectations for servicing that account and co-creating an account plan to give that salesperson an opportunity to close full commission sales on additional services.

3. Stealing their opportunity to fail - most sales managers will step in and rescue a salesperson in a meeting with a client or prospect, especially if it's a "big" account. While you may believe that your salesperson will learn from your example what you are really doing is creating learned helplessness, which causes that salesperson to suck up increasing amounts of your time for "coaching." 
Our clients hear regularly, "you win or you learn." Letting your salesperson fail will be hard for you and on them, but your debrief after will be richer.
It is also prudent to remember David Sandler's rule, "never practise in front of the prospect." It's okay to let your salespeople fail, but it's not okay to send them out under-prepared. Make role play and pre-call planning non-negotiable components of your sales management process.

4. Stealing their relationships with clients - we actively encourage sales managers to make "touch calls" to their salespeoples' clients a weekly behavior. Problems arise when you forget that while your organization owns the account your salesperson owns the relationship with that client because those clients will begin to bypass their salesperson to reach out to you directly. Your time will be sucked away addressing issues for that client that would be better left to your salesperson and your salesperson will start to wonder why they are on the team if you're going to perform their role for them. 

5. Stealing their self-sufficiency - a primary goal for any manager is to create a self-sufficient team. This terrifies some managers who believe that a self-sufficient team doesn't need them so they overcompensate by micro-managing.
Micro-managing your salespeople will quickly burn through your mental calories and cause their productivity to plummet. Instead co-create a box for each of your salespeople to work in and the consequences for leaving their box and you'll have the mental energy to grow and develop your team instead of attempting to keep them in a box only you've defined.   

6. Stealing their time - top performing salespeople are purposeful with their time. When "coaching" sessions become long, polite conversations that aren't focused on developing their skills or when "sales meetings" become slow slogs through each salespersons' pipeline your top performers will start looking for a Sales Manager who values their time. 
Weekly accountability meetings, coaching sessions and sales meetings are critical to the success and development of your salespeople, but they become timewasters when they are conducted without a clear purpose, agenda or outcome. 

To paraphrase one of David Sandler's rules, sales management is not a place to get your emotional needs met. Use a journal, get a coach and/or create a support group to address your emotions and you'll won't need to steal from your salespeople.

Until next time... go lead.

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